Thursday, January 03, 2008

Playing Know-It-All

I decided to finally update my trial version of VSTS 2008 to the released version (I was going from RC to RTM). What a pain! However, I did have plenty of time to visit some forums and update my blog.

I usually keep to myself and only answer questions when asked, but recently I have been trying to put myself "out there" and see if I can help others who find themselves in the same situation that I have been in. The only draw back is that you really never know how much help you were to the other party (unless of course they pile praises and acclamations galore stating such :). Secondly you have to overcome the inhibition that what you have to say may actually be of some importance to the other party (which can be a major challenge in and of itself).

Well, the upgrade is complete... and actually it was the uninstall of the RC bits that was the pain. The install of the RTM version was rather nice.

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